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Sweetest/Deepest things your SO has said to you

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    if I wasn't on my iPod right now I would be reading through my chat logs again thinking of the years of sweet things he's said.
    My current favorite probably is either "you should be waking up next to me" or "You're beautiful. Inside and out. Fucked up, yes, but beautiful nonetheless." :3 <3


      there are so many things like:

      he is so lucky to have me and would do anything for me no matter what would happen to him. its nice to know that someone wants me as bad as i want them.

      one of the sweetest things he has ever said to me was when he was on leave this last time. we were having sex one night, and he were in the middle of it, just taking it slow and everything. he looked in my eyes and said, "you are so beautiful". my hair was a mess, i had no make up on. it was so sweet to me, it truly touched my heart. he is so amazing<3.


        Was just reading over a special transcript of a conversation from a time back before we were together with the distance closed. It still makes my heart skip a beat:

        I take you my heart
        At the rising of the moon
        And the setting of the stars.
        To love and to honour
        Through all that may come.
        Through all our lives together
        In all our lives,
        May we be reborn
        That we may meet and know
        And love again,
        And remember
        Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
        Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
        Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


        You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
        Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

        Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
        Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


          He always says the sweetest things to me!

          Such as:
          Good Morning Beautiful.
          Baby no one will ever love you more than me
          Random texts through out the day saying : "I love you mostest <3"

          The list could go on forever, I love him so much!


            Sometimes my SO really surprises me with what he says. <3 I don't want to type it all out here because in a way some if it's sort of personal, I guess -- at least he might say so -- but he's always proving himself to be 100% perfect for me...reassuring me about myself and reminding me it's okay to tell him when I don't want to do something, and reminding me he's only happy if I am, etccc. ;.; <3


              "If I could sleep beside you just once, I don't think I'd be able to sleep alone ever again" (Before we met)
              And "My home will be where ever we can be together"
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                He's said some pretty sweet things, and he's not usually the romantic type lol. A few examples:

                "I wish I could sit here with you forever"
                "You are the best person that I have ever known, and I can assure you that I will never do anything to hurt you in any way, you are too awesome for that."
                "I can't believe we've been dating almost a year already! But, it feels like we've been together longer than that. Maybe it's the fact that we've known each other for 12 years. Wow, I've known you 2/3 of my life. We'll be together for many many more, which will one day make those first 6 years seem like nothing." (This was paraphrased)

                *sigh* I love him so much! <3

                "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                  On the last night (Saturday, July 23rd) of our most recent visit Alex and I were cuddling in the hotel bed and watching some history channel show. I asked him how long he wanted me to come up for before I move into the dorm (I move into the dorm on September 3rd, so excited) and he said he wished I could come and stay with him forever. This kind of startled me because he's usually the realistic one, saying the actual time we should spend together on a visit, delaying talk of what house we might have one day and such. So I told him that if he wanted to have me forever all he had to do was ask (a.k.a. propose). His response:
                  "Nope. I refuse to get in the way of your dreams for uni. You're worth waiting for so after you get done... then I'll ask." >w<


                    He ones said he wishes he is still together with me when hes an old granddad :-) <3


                      my man is a musician so i see him as an artist...a man who has a way of expressing himself through the use of songs..he has dedicated like 4 songs to me and they've had some very nice lyrics but i think the sweetest thing would be when he sent me a message that said:
                      hey babe i forgot to tell u that iv been reading ur card that u send me and everytime i read them i feel warm inside and that i feel closer to you i keep them safe so i can show u babe that i love u ok babe i really wanna see more and more and that im getting more in love with u

                      and then we were playing 20.20 and i asked him who his last crush was and wat drew him about her and he replied:
                      her smile the way she is
                      and wat she drew me to her is
                      her way of beeing
                      shes simply and funny
                      and happyperson (he was referring to me, we always tlk about her or him wen we refer to each other lol)

                      and when i saw him this month he sang to my ear....and whispered I love you's every 5minutes from my grammas house all the way to his house...that was a 2hr drive lol


                        Some of you may know about the make-a-wish game that you play when the time is all ones. (i.e. 11:11)

                        Well, this one day...while we were im-ing each other. I looked at the clock on my computer and it was 11:11a.m. So, I said...

                        me: Aww
                        me: Make a wish...
                        me: it's a 11:11
                        me: or wait
                        me: nevermind
                        me: It's not 11:11 there where you're at ((he's an hour ahead of me))
                        me: Just here
                        Billy: One day, your watch and my watch will be the same, and when that time arrives, my 11:11 wish would have come true

                        My knees went weak.


                          Just yesterday him and I went to the aquarium (dorky, I know). He loved it and after we went outside to sit by the edge of the water, and he was taking candid photos of cute couples we saw walking around (he's a photographer). Later that night he told me when we were sitting there, he imagined us being 80 years old sitting next to each other and still being as happy together as we were right now. :3


                            Mine was one night when we were talking about my self-esteem issues and this is what he said..."I want all of you, every bit, from your luxurious hair to your delicate feet. I want your body and your mind, I want you to feel even half of what I feel for you. I want you to see you the way I do."


                              my boyfriend tells me that I am the one he's waited for his whole life. and he tells me he loves me many times each day.


                                He has a way with words, so there have been quite a few things. More recently, two things that really stick out:

                                "Thinking about you, and you alone is what got me through Basic Training."

                                and the other day while talking about some girls I had seen who we knew in high school. I was tell him that they were married and have kids, and how old I feel (haha) that so many people I know are married and have kids. He said, "You have no idea how much I wish we were (Married with kids). I love what I'm doing right now, but if I would have known earlier that we would be together, I wouldn't have enlisted. My number one job would be being your husband."

                                Aww... I love him to death.
                                Why do you wait for me?
                                How do you wait for me?
                                I'm lost and alone without you here in my arms.
                                I'm lost and alone without you here by my side.
                                Here's a song for you, lovely
                                Remember that it's for you only, for you only.
                                My heart is caught in a landslide
                                And it beats for you only, for you only.

                                -"My Lovely" by Eisley

