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lucy-the taking it slow blogs were from another bf i was with...and I have known B since 8th grade. We have been friends for awhile. Even though we havent...
But haven't you two been together for a very short amount of time? Not to judge, but I think waiting a few years might...
Your blog entry made me smile so much! =] It sounds like a proposal is on the way for you!
a tattoo shouldn't be stress... enjoy working and save up on money, cuz that's how you will be able to move out! Good Luck!
We have fonts now? Thank you for telling me, I was too dense to notice! hahah
My SO Obi has faced the same fears as you. He's middle class,...
That's awesome Just try to remain calm, pay attention to what people say to you, and remember no one is good when they first start so it's ok if you...
had u ever sit down and talked the two of them?had u ever told them how you feel with their different plans?open up with them how u feel and the result...
thats great! even if he has to work a lot, it will be worth it in the end!
im happy for both of you girl
It sounds lovely! I hope it falls into place for you!
Thanks for the cheers of good luck-im nervous but i will be myself and show her how great her son and i are together. let our love shine through.
wish you luck girl..
everything will be alright just be who you are when u are with your SO's mom
and show her how much you love her...
I know this seems harsh, but listen.. Your parents have dedicated 21 years of their life to you. If they want to move on and go somewhere else it's wrong...